Cookies Policy


Last updated: 20/06/2024



Cookies are small files that are installed in the computer’s hard disk or the browser of the computer, tablet, smartphone or equivalent device with Internet browsing function helps, among other things, to: personalise the website owner’s services, use it to facilitate browsing and usability, obtain aggregate information about the visitors, to the website, to make it possible to reproduce and view the multimedia content on the website itself, allow elements of interaction between the user and the website itself, enable security tools, etc.



Datum: This is the information obtained through the user’s computer terminal through the data storage and recovery device (cookies or others). The datum shall be personal when it is information about identified or identifiable natural personals, in the terms set out in Article 4 of the GDPR.

Aggregate information: non-nominal information, typically numerical and to provide statistical information.

Computer terminal: the device from which the user accesses the service, such as a personal computer, a mobile telephone, a tablet, etc., and from which information is obtained.

Publisher: the party responsible for or the owner of the website.

Third party: an external entity, collaborator, provider of services or related to the publisher, who participates in managing some cookies.

Cookie controller: the publisher, data controller, owner of the website or even the third party in some cases.

Browsing habits: trends shown by the user when browsing a website, such as the time they spend on the case, the parts they visit, most frequent sections, the origin of the visit, the destination of the visit, among others.



Depending on the entity managing:

Owned cookies:  These are sent to the user’s computer terminal from a computer on the domain that is managed by the editor itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

Third-party cookies: These are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain which is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.


According to the length of time that cookies remain active on a computer terminal:

Session cookies: Those designed to collect and store data when the user iOS accessing a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only to be preserved for the provision of a service requested by the user on a single occasion (such as a list of purchased products) and they disappear when the session ends.

Persistent cookies: those in which the data remains stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the cookie’s data controller, which can range from a few minutes to several years.


Depending on the purpose for which data obtained via cookies is processed:

Technical cookies: Those that allow the user to browse a website, platform or application and to use the various options or services existing, including those the publisher uses to allow the management and operation of the website and to enable its functions and services, such as controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted-access parts, remembering the elements that make up an order, undertaking the purchase process for an order, managing the payment, controlling fraud related to the security of the service, making the request for registration or participation in an event, counting visits for the purposes of invoicing licences for the software with which the service operates (website, platform or application), using security elements during the browsing, storing content for the dissemination of videos or sound, enabling dynamic content (for example, animation of loading a test or image) or sharing content through social media. Also belonging to this category, due to their technical nature, are those cookies allowing the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces which, as another element of the design or “layout” of the service offered to the user, the publisher may have included in a website, application or platform based on criteria such as the published content, without information being compiled about the users for other purposes, such as personalising that advertising content or other content.

Preference or personalisation cookies: They are those that make it possible to remember information so that the user accesses the service with certain characteristics that can differentiate their experience from the other users, such as the language, the number of results to be shown when the user does a search, the appearance or content of the service according to the type of browser through which the user accesses the service or on the region from which the service is accessed, etc.

Analysis or measurement cookies: those that all the data controllers thereof monitor and analyse the behaviour of the users of the websites to which they are linked, including quantification of the impact of the advertisements. The information collected by this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of websites, applications, or platforms, in order to make improvements according to the analysis of the usage data made by the users of the service.

Advertising cookies:  Those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising space that, where appropriate, the editor has included in a webpage, application or platform from which it provides the requested service based on criteria such as edited content or the frequency at which ads are displayed.

Behavioural advertising cookies: Those that allow the management, in the most effective way possible, of the advertising spaces that, where appropriate, the publisher may have included on a website, application or platform from which it provides the requested service. These cookies store information on the behaviour of users through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows for the development of a specific profile to display advertising.



Cookie name 

Own / Third party

Cookie type

Purpose Permanence   Transfer of data outside the EU


Third party (Google Analytics)


This cookie keeps track of the number of times a user has been to a site, when their first visit was, and when their last visit occurred.

2 years

Yes, Google LCC


Third party (Google Analytics)


It is used to identify and track an individual session with your device.

2 years

Yes, Google LCC


Third party (Google Analytics)


Used to limit data collection on high traffic sites.

1 day

Yes, Google LCC


Third party (Google Analytics)


This cookie keeps track of page views and compiles statistics.

1 day

Yes, Google LCC


Third party (Pinterest)


This cookie stores the user’s usage history and aggregates user actions that Pinterest cannot identify.

1 year

Yes, Pinterest Inc.




This cookie keeps track of user data, such as login credentials.

Session cookie





This cookie is used to stop cross-site postscripts, and to set a lifetime on a form for security.

Session cookie



These cookies are not used to create profiles of the users who browse the website and, therefore, no automated decisions are taken based on this data.



Cookies are an essential part of how this website works. The main purpose of our cookies is to make the browsing experience more comfortable and efficient. For example, they are used to remember user preferences (language, country, etc.) during browsing and on future visits. We also use these cookies to improve our services and our website, allowing us to offer personalised advertising according to the browsing habits of each user.

The information collected in the cookies also allows us to improve our website by estimating statistical data and usage patterns (number of visits, most visited sections, visit time, etc.), and to know statistically how users interact with the platform in order to improve our services.

Occasionally, we may use cookies to obtain information that allows us to show advertising based on the analysis of your browsing habits (products visited, sections consulted, etc.) from our Platform, third-party platforms, or by any other means. In any case, we never store sensitive information such as passwords, credit or debit card details, etc. in our cookies.



The information stored in the cookies on our website is used exclusively by us, with the exception of those identified as “third-party cookies”, which are used and managed by external entities to provide services aimed at improving the user’s experience when browsing our website.

For more detailed information about the processing of your personal data in our collaboration with third parties and those subject to international data transfers, we recommend that you read our Privacy Policy.

You can find out about the transfers to third countries that, where appropriate, are made by the third parties identified in this cookie policy, as well as the risks involved in such transfers in accordance with their own policies outside this website, by accessing their corresponding cookie policies provided in each case in the table above.

You can accept, refuse or revoke consent for the use of the cookies described in this policy through the cookie configurator that is available in the initial notice of use of cookies when you access the home page, but you can also disable or delete cookies previously accepted through the settings of internet browsers. We indicate below the most popular ones in this same cookies policy.



Blockage or deactivation of all cookies helps to protect privacy, but it may also limit the experience on some websites as well as some functionalities or even not allowing proper browsing or use of some of its services.

You can activate or deactivate the aforementioned cookies (except technical cookies, which are necessary for proper functioning) through the settings tool that appears in the use of cookies notice, upon accessing our homepage. Bear in mind, that if you accept third-party cookies, you must delete them from the browser’s options or from the system offered by the third party itself.

Likewise, if you want to know how to deactivate the cookies on the most popular web browsers, access the following tutorials:


Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Internet Explorer


Chrome para Android



If you have any questions or concerns about this Cookie Policy, you can contact us by sending an e-mail to For more information on personal data protection, we refer you to our privacy policy.